The Smashing Machine
MMA fighter Mark Kerr struggles with addiction, winning and love during his peak era in the UFC.
Dwayne Johnson
Mark Kerr
Emily Blunt
Dawn Staples
Lyndsey Gavin
Elizabeth Coleman
Ryan Bader
Mark Coleman
Zoe Kosovic
McKenzie Coleman
Bas Rutten
Bas Rutten
Oleksandr Usyk
Igor Vovchanchyn
Paul Lazenby
Hans Nijman
James Moontasri
Akira Shoji
Yoko Hamamura
Kazuyuki Fujita
Paul Cheng
Masaaki Satake
Andre Tricoteux
Paul Varelans
Satoshi Ishii
Enson Inoue
Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu
Fábio Gurgel [1]
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